Want to know more about how your brain works? And how to work with your autistic brain?


Time to get the Inside Aut of the autistic mind. Full of proven, and effective ways to meet your needs - from the autistic point of view.

If you were like me, identification didn't help much. Professionals telling me about my experience and getting it completely wrong - and it being very hard to find information that actually fit and worked for me. It took talking to other autistics to finally find the information I needed to make things better.

Our innovative 6 hour online training syllabus uses research and case studies from autistics themselves. Give yourself a new and innovative learning path.



Six Hours online training


six accompanying workbooks

If you aren’t completely satisfied with The SPEED COURSE, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.

You Can Understand Your Autistic Brain and Meet Your Needs

Learn the S.P.E.E.D Formula to:

  • Understand autistic sensory needs, and how to meet them.
  • Understand how Autistic processing works - and what can trigger an overload, overwhelm or meltdown
  • Understand how to manage autistic energy resources, what depletes them and what boosts them.
  • Understand how to create an optimal environment that will help them succeed and build confidence.
  • Understand how you can identify, work with, and help yourself heal from past damages and trauma.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In our six hour online course, you'll learn how to develop an effective tool-kit that sets you up for a stronger understanding of how to look after your autistic brain - so it works to its best for you.


In The Next 6 Weeks, You Could…

  • Finally develop the understanding of your autistic brain that makes a real difference
  • Noticed a marked positive difference in your ability to understand and meet your needs
  • Really understand the root of what can create challenges for you and how to address that

The right moves can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in the S.P.E.E.D Course.


S.P.E.E.D. - Sensory, Processing, Energy, Environment and Damage and Trauma


You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Future?

This 6 hour online course will teach you everything you need to know to get out of overwhelm for good and build your understanding of your brain that will make a real difference.

  • You’ll learn how to understand the autistic brain
  • Workbooks and activities so you can implement your learning right away to see results

By understanding how your brain works - and how to work with your brain, you could start making positive change immediately.

What's Included In The S.P.E.E.D. Course...



The foundations of how autistic minds work and why they are different to the majority. This is where you will meet the Air-Traffic Controller, Panic Monkey, and Dino-Brain. In this lesson you'll learn:

  • The basic mechanisms of overloads, overwhelms and meltdowns
  • What will help at each stage (and what doesn't).
  • What happens in our brains from the inside out.

You’ll finish this course knowing why S.P.E.E.D. is so important to preventing meltdowns and why meltdowns happen in the first place.



This is where we learn about the senses, not just the five everyone knows, but also about proprioception and interoception. And why understanding them can be a game-changer in supporting your well-being. In this lesson you'll learn:

  • About the autistic sensory system and how it is different from the majority.
  • Proven autistic-led ways that help manage sensory overwhelm.
  • How to create a personal sensory profile for yourself.

You’ll finish this course knowing what makes up your sensory profile, and how you can meet your sensory needs.



With your sensory knowledge in good shape, the next step is to build a sizable knowledge on autistic processing. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • How our brain takes in and processes information.
  • Why transitions and changes of plan can be so challenging.
  • How to recognise where processing overload can occur.

You’ll finish this course with a processing profile that you can tailor to your  specific needs.



Autistic energy levels massively impact on how well or how badly we can regulate. In this lesson you'll learn:

  • What can drain our battery.
  • What can boost our battery.
  • How to plan ahead to avoid sudden battery drops.

You’ll finish this lesson with a clear blueprint of how to support and manage your energy levels.



Getting the environment right makes the difference between a thriving autistic and one who is barely surviving. You will learn about things that create a hostile environment for autistics. Things that most people miss - because the information isn't widely known.  In this lesson you'll learn.   

  • To identify where an environment might be challenging and how to protect against it.
  • To identify what makes a healthy environment for an autistic.
  • How you can create the ideal environment for yourself

You’ll finish this course with a strong understanding of how to create an environment at home that supports you, and how to protect yourself in outside environments that may be more challenging. And how to advocate for accommodations that you may need to look after your nervous system.


Damage and Trauma

In our final week, we look at damage and trauma and how it can make our Defensive Duo overactive - even though the threat has long since passed.  In this lesson you'll learn:

  • How your past trauma can affect the way you respond now.
  • How autistics can be more vulnerable to trauma.
  • How to help prevent past trauma from affecting current emotions.

You’ll finish this course with a deeper understanding of trauma manifestation and how to move past it.

This Course Is For You If...

  • You are fed-up of conflicting autism related information
  • You aren’t sure what strategies to put in place or what accommodations you need
  • You are fed up of struggling and not knowing why or what to do about it.
  • You want to understand yourself on a deeper level
  • You want to be able to lean into your strengths and have workarounds for the gaps.